Tuesday, 18 August 2009

New kid on the block...

I've been really busy lately, making me a little slower with photos of our new tiny man. I have lots of catching up to do to keep up with his sisters photos....One thing is for sure, babies change so quickly. Before you know it they are into the next size of clothes and are no longer tiny newborns anymore. Where did that time go? Gone so quickly already.....

Monday, 22 June 2009

Our newest team member...

Over the weekend we welcomed our newest staff member, Owen. He was born at 4.39am and weighed 3.95kgs. Both Mum and bub are doing well, as is big sister Abby - who has lots of kisses and cuddles for her new baby brother. I think it will be a while before he answers the phones though...

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Rosalia, Greg and the Kids

Rosalia had asked Greg what he wanted for his birthday, (which also happened to be Christmas Day) and all he wanted was some beautiful portraits of his family. Everyone was a pleasure to shoot, and we all had a ball.

New Portraits for Grandma

The Bryan family wanted to update their portraits for Grandma, as the most recent portrait of themselves were about 8 years ago and didn't even include one of the cousins. We had a great shoot, with a beautiful afternoon to suit.

Monday, 26 January 2009

Two Little Girls with personality

Well we had a great time photographing the White family. The girls were so much fun and full of spark. Aran definitely made friends for life!

Kane Family

Wendy & her kids

Wendy wanted some natural portraits of the kids before they become teenagers (apart from one who is already). The location suited what Wendy was after and she absolutely loved the result. Thanks Wendy!

The O'Neil's

The O'Neil family wanted their portraits taken in the gardens of their new home in Newport. What better way to make your new house feel like a new home than with portraits of your family.

Red Cross AGM

It has been a while since updating our blog, so I thought I would fill you all in on our work in the latter half of 2008.
This was the AGM for the Red Cross who we do regular work for. They are great to work with.